
Bodytite body contouring is the best way to enhance your body image.  The process is minimally invasive and therefore safe. It has gained immense popularity among women and men for a better body contour.

What is BodyTite?

Bodytite is a type of liposuction which removes fat using cannula, a thin tube. It adds radio frequency energy that removes unwanted fat in an almost painless procedure. Unlike traditional Liposuction, Bodytite procedure does not only suck out the fat, but it also melt fat tissue and work with blood vessels to achieve a smoother, tighter look.

Areas that can be treated with Bodytite are:

  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Neck
  • Knees
  • Buttocks
  • Back/Bra Roll Fat (just under the bra line)

Benefits of Bodytite:

  • superior body contouring and firming results
  • long lasting and smoother looking skin result
  • fast recovery with minimal downtime and one can get back to normal daily activities within two days
  • minimal discomfort and less painful recovery
  • no large incisions
  • minimal bruising and swelling
  • requires only local anaesthesia
  • improved safety

Difference between traditional liposuction and Bodytite:

Traditional liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that helps people to get rid of deposits of fat from certain areas of the body. Yes liposuction removes fat cells, yet it is not a weight loss procedure. One of the limitations of having liposuction is that you usually have to be within about 30% of the ideal weight for your height and frame to get the procedure done on your body. So the liposuction is not for someone who is extremely overweighed. Even if liposuction removes fat, sometimes it is possible to gain weight again after the procedure. If you don’t follow a healthy lifestyle after liposuction, the remaining fat cells can expand and cause you gain weight.

Bodytite also includes some procedures of liposuction. A surgeon inserts tube under the skin to remove fat cells but with addition to this electrodes are used to deliver radiofrequency energy to the body part. This energy generates enough heat to melt the targeted cells but does so without causing any amount of harm to the surrounding area and therefore eliminating needless blood loss and other complications.  Unlike what you think, radiofrequency applied to the skin usually doesn’t cause pain because the direction of the current changes too fast to trigger the nerves to feel pain. Bodytite treatment is operated through a bipolar radiofrequency device held in the hand by the surgeon and a RFAL computer.

Treatment procedure:

Bodytite treatment is operated through a bipolar radiofrequency device held in the hand by the surgeon and a RFAL computer. On the treatment day, at first the area of your body on which the Bodytite will be done, is marked and mapped out by surgeon. Then local anaesthesia will be done on your body. Once the specific body area becomes numb the fatty cells will be treated with RFAL using I.V. needle. When the targeted thermal levels are achieved, liposuction begins, working to suction out excess fat and fluid via thin, liposuction cannula tube.

Treatment time varies from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on range of the area being treated.

Recovery time:

Just after the procedure you will advised to take an hour of rest for the immediate recovery of the treatment.  After that, you will require a ride to home from the clinic as driving is not safe and walking could be painful. So we recommend bringing someone who can give you a lift to your home. People can mostly return to works after two days of the treatment but some people takes longer time to recover and may need to rest for 7 days.

After 4-12 weeks usually patients starts seeing the results on their body.

Side effects of Bodytite:

Bodytite is safer because it includes only local anaesthesia but that doesn’t mean there are no side effects or risks in Bodytite.

After the Bodytite procedure patient may experience:

  • temporary uneven skin
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • sensitivity
  • redness

Some patients also experience burns and seromas. Seromas are pockets of fluid that sometimes appear after surgery. Though seromas are not life threatening, but it takes years to go away.

How long does BodyTite last?

The longevity of results from a BodyTite procedure can vary from person to person and depends on several factors:

  1. Age: Younger individuals with better skin elasticity tend to experience longer-lasting results.
  2. Skin Quality: The quality and elasticity of your skin play a significant role in how long the results will last. If you have loose or sagging skin, the results may not be as long-lasting.
  3. Lifestyle and Diet: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help extend the longevity of your BodyTite results.
  4. Weight Maintenance: Significant weight fluctuations can affect the longevity of your results. Maintaining a stable weight is important to preserve the results.
  5. Genetics: Your genetic makeup can also influence how long the results last.

Typically, BodyTite results are considered long-lasting, and many patients report seeing improvements in body contour and skin tightness for several years. Some people may experience results that last for five years or more. However, it’s essential to understand that BodyTite is not a permanent solution, and natural aging processes will continue over time.

Does BodyTite really tighten skin?

Yes, BodyTite is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to tighten the skin. BodyTite uses radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology to not only remove excess fat but also stimulate collagen production, which results in skin tightening.