10 Tips to Celebrate Your 40th Birthday

40 is that age, when you lock yourself in the bathroom, stare at your aging self in the mirror, and wish yourself a HAPPY BIRTHDAY (highly sarcastically).
But it doesn’t have to be all that bad.
Have you heard the expression, “Life Begins at 40”? This statement is perspective and one might have a different interpretation of it.
It may not be as fun as you’re in the 20s, and you might not even have enough juice to stay up partying all night. Still, there are lots of things you can do to celebrate your 40th Birthday.
We are going to assume that the person reading this article is the one whose 40th birthday is coming up. But, if you’re only browsing for someone you love, do treat him/her, with following ideas.
#1. Treat Yourself :-
Often times, when we are dealing with the hectic schedules of our daily life, we forget to actually Live. We, as humans are fragile beings, and individual happiness does matter. No matter how small your actions are, if it brings you even an ounce of joy, it’s worth doing. That is why, you should treat yourself. Go to that restaurant you have always wanted to go.
YES! Even if you are on a diet, it’s your birthday. Have a pint in that local sports pub that you always loved going. Buy that pair of running sneakers you’ve been wanting for months, even if you won’t be starting to run anytime soon.
The point is, if you’re feeling down about your 40th, or even if you’re not, one of the reasons could be because you have been putting your family and work before your personal interests. It doesn’t have to be anything major, but do treat yourself. You’ll be much happier.
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#2. Make a Plan with your Loved Ones :-
Almost hitting the big 4-O, you probably have kids to take care of and what not. But, this doesn’t take away the fact that your heart still wants to feel young. Hire a babysitter for the weekend, plan a secret getaway with your lover or friends.
If you don’t think you can squeeze in the time between work, family, and insecurities, you need it even more. Go to a lake house-resort, a beach, or somewhere exotic, where you can just chill and have fun without worrying about your hectic schedules.
#3. Do Something Adventurous :-
You are hitting the 40, and next thing you know everyone is treating you like the OLD-PERSON next door. Now’s the time to do something adventurous. If you’re regularly involved in sports or adventures, great, but if not, it’s not too late to start.
Go for hike on a nearby hill. Or, if you have the time, go on a few days’ trek. You could contact travel agencies or with a quick search on google, you’ll easily get a list of exciting destinations to choose from.
If you really want to feel the adventure, think higher – maybe bungee jumping, or think even higher – like skydiving. These acts sure won’t be easy, but you’ll definitely come out a whole different person after this experience.
#4. Travelling is the Joy of Life :-
At 40 (almost 40), you probably aren’t retired yet, but you’re desperately craving for a vacation. Now’s the time. It doesn’t have to be a trip to Paris to lash out all your savings in a fancy hotel either.
Go somewhere fun and interesting. A trip to south Asia would be both cheap and fun. Countries like Nepal, India or Thailand are just mind blowing for your short trip abroad. You can plan out your activities depending on the longevity of your trip.
Must Read : 11 Reasons Why Travel Makes You a Happier Person
#5. Birthday Party / Talent Show :-
You know how brides get whatever they want during weddings? Well, birthday is such a time for you. Your friends are probably going to throw you a party, or you might have been planning one yourself. You definitely deserve it.
You can spice it up by taking the advantage of being the main man/woman at the party. Since you’ll be the VIP, just call out a bunch of people to perform. Make people sing, dance, act, and pretty much anything you can think of. Just remember to stay within the social boundary, or not. It’s your 40th, have a blast.
#6. Have a Theme Party :-
This is another idea for your birthday party. If you aren’t in the mood to play God and make everyone perform. You could organize a theme party. You probably miss the good old days of the 90s, or just when you were young. Picking some particular movie or book theme from that time will have a personal touch to you as well.
Let someone else do the planning and stay away from a headache. Your friends and family will be happy to throw one for you. Or, you could get professional party-planner to do the deeds. But make sure you get the party you wish for. Be specific about the details – food, music, decorations, costumes, and everything. Birthday is the only day you get to be the kid and make demands (more or less), so you might as well make the most of it.
Find Easy ways here : 15 Thrilled Theme Party for Birthday
#7. Go to an Amusement Park :-
Feeling old lately? Go to an amusement park. Do make sure you take a strong heart with you, and it is best if you avoid eating anything that gives you stomach trots. So, strong heart and strong stomach. Once you got these two things sorted out, you can jump on the roller coasters, drop tower, and everything else you feel gutsy enough for.
Take the kids, if you have any. You could even make this a family holiday. Family fun guaranteed.
Interesting Ways : 12 Messy and Cheery Birthday Party Games
#8. Check your Bucket List :-
You have probably been making a bucket list since your 20s. Have you been able to actually do them over the years? It’s definitely something you need to look into. The clock’s ticking, and there’s only so much your body is going to let you over the years.
No matter how silly or daring your list is, filter the stupid ones out if you have to, but it’s time to check off some of those things.
Even thinking about it feels like being part of some amazing Hollywood movie, doesn’t it? Just imagine the fun you’ll have after you actually accomplish them.
#9. Make a To-Do list for the Next Year :-
You definitely won’t be able to check everything off your bucket list in a day, or a week, or even a month. In this process, you’ll realize that you need to cross some things out and add some new ones.
It could be something personal like buying your son his favorite bike, taking cooking lessons, or something adventurous like deep sea diving. Make a plan for the year, and have a clear picture of where or when you’ll do it at least. Rest will fall in line later on. It’s more about feeling accomplished rather than the list itself.
#10. Create A Birthday Slideshow Video :-
Creating a birthday video (or trying to figure out how to create one), might not be what you have in mind for your 40th birthday. But, it’s really not that complicated with a variety of different web tools available on the Internet today.
Basically, slideshow videos are photo compilations made into a video. Imagine a PowerPoint slideshow made into a video, which means no hassle of having to change the slide, choosing the designs, layouts, or anything else. Your only job is to upload photos, music – and baam! your video is done. Still, this task will still be fitting for the next day.
Web tools like Picovico allow you to upload photos of your choosing and effortlessly turn them into a slideshow video. Learn how to create a birthday slideshow video here. How to create a birthday slideshow video.
There are plenty of ideas about what you can do for this one.
- Video with photos of everyone you know. One idea would be to make a video by collecting photos of everyone you know. Times are changing, and no one wants to go through photo albums anymore. While making this video, you might even realize the number of people you have earned over the years. Friends you love and loves who adored you. This will be a little bit of “me time” where you can reminisce about the past.
- A particular aspect of life. Are you an artist? An Adventurer? Movie Fanatic? Poet? Book Lover? There are definitely some aspects of your life that make you who you are. You probably have a lot of photos where you’re working, presenting your talent on stage, or something similar. Compile those into a slideshow video. You could even present it during your birthday dinner.
- Wishes you received. This is right off the facebook video idea. But, here’s how you can do it better. Add photos of the gifts, cards, screenshots of the online wishes, and other sweet gestures people did for you on your birthday.
- If you’re intrigued by the idea of making a birthday slideshow video, but you don’t know just where to get started. Download your favorite quotes in a picture format and make a video out of those. We all have few quotes that get us through the worst of times.
Note: Picovico is just my preference over the rest. Feel free to browse through other web tools that let you create slideshow videos in a hassle-free manner.
If you want to learn more about birthday slideshow video ideas, follow the link.
Did you like these birthday celebration ideas? Do you have something else in mind? Let us know.