5 Diseases More Common in Kids

Children are more prone to certain illnesses due to their developing immune systems. Regular check-ups with a paediatrician help detect and effectively manage common childhood diseases, ensuring your child stays healthy.
Children are more vulnerable to some diseases than adults owing to their frequent interaction and exposure to people at different places such as schools, playgrounds, and social gatherings. Although most childhood illnesses are mild and resolve on their own, some diseases might need constant monitoring. It is crucial for parents and guardians to have adequate knowledge of these diseases that affect children so that they can seek timely treatment. In this article, we will discuss five diseases that are more common in children, how to manage these conditions, and when to seek help from a pediatrician.
Common Cold
Common cold is one of the most common conditions that affect children, especially during the winter season. Transmitted by different viruses such as rhinoviruses, common cold is transmitted through respiratory droplets and due to contact with contaminated objects.
- Sneezing and/or a runny or blocked nose
- Sore throat
- Coughing and sneezing
- Mild fever
- Fatigue and irritability
Treatment: Common cold has no cure, but the symptoms like pain and fever can be relieved by adequate rest, consuming plenty of fluids, and pain killers.
Prevention: Some measures that can be taken to avoid getting colds include washing your hands often, and avoiding contact with people who are sick.
When to Consult a Paediatrician: Common cold does not require treatment but if the symptoms last for more than a week, the fever is high, or there are signs of complications like ear infections or breathing difficulties, you should consult a paediatrician.
Ear Infections
Ear infections are also pretty prevalent in young children. These infections usually occur after a cold or respiratory infection and are caused by bacteria or viruses that infect the ear.
- Earache
- Difficulty hearing
- Fever
- Ear discharge
- Restlessness and difficulty in sleeping
Treatment: Infections that are bacterial in nature may need antibiotics while viral infections may heal on their own. Applying warm compresses and taking pain relievers can ease the pain.
Prevention: Some of the ways that can help in preventing ear infections include refraining from exposing children to cigarette smoke, taking your child for vaccination, and breastfeeding the child in the initial stages since this helps in building the immune system.
When to Consult a Paediatrician: If your child complains of severe ear pain, has symptoms that do not improve, or has repeated infections, consult a paediatrician. By early intervention you can help avoid complications such as hearing loss.
For expert care and personalised treatment plans for childhood illnesses, consult Dr Amitava Pahari, the best paediatrician in Kolkata.
Gastroenteritis is another common illness that affects the children. It upsets the stomach and the intestines and is characterised by vomiting and diarrhoea. The condition is usually associated with viral gastroenteritis, which may be caused by rotavirus or norovirus but may also be bacterial or may occur due to food poisoning.
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Abdominal cramps
- Fever
- Dryness of the mouth, sunken eyes, and less frequent urination.
Treatment: Supportive management is generally required for gastroenteritis, which means that the child should be encouraged to take enough fluids to avoid dehydration.
Prevention: Measures like regular washing of hands and avoiding foods and water that are contaminated are important in controlling gastroenteritis.
When to Consult a Paediatrician: If your child has severe dehydration, vomiting, or diarrhea that lasts more than 48 hours or is experiencing blood in the stool, consult a doctor.
Chickenpox is a viral disease that is transmitted from one person to another. The condition is caused by varicella-zoster virus. It used to be a common childhood disease, but due to the increased vaccine coverage, the occurrence of the disease is now rare. But they are still common, especially among children who have not been vaccinated.
- Skin rash
- Blisters on the face, chest, and back
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
Treatment: Chickenpox is usually a mild disease, but in severe cases or in children with compromised immune systems, antiviral medications may be administered. Itching can be controlled with the application of creams and lotions.
Prevention: The only way to prevent chickenpox is to make sure your child is vaccinated.
When to Consult a Paediatrician: You should seek the help of a paediatrician if your child has a high fever, difficulty breathing, or if you notice signs of complications such as bacterial skin infections.
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the respiratory system, specifically the bronchi and the bronchioles. It is among the leading chronic diseases in children and may be caused by allergens, exercise, or respiratory infections.
- Breathing difficulties and whistling sounds while breathing
- Coughing, especially at night or early morning
- Chest tightness
- Frequent respiratory infections
Treatment: Asthma can be treated with rescue inhalers for immediate relief from the symptoms. Staying away from triggers is also important in the process of managing the condition.
Prevention: Asthma is a chronic condition that cannot be treated, but the frequency of asthma attacks can be controlled with the help of medications and changes in one’s lifestyle. Some of the ways to prevent complications include avoiding triggers and making sure the child follows a proper asthma management plan.
When to Consult a Paediatrician: If your child suffers from recurrent bouts of asthma, has poor medication adherence, or needs urgent care, it is crucial to seek a paediatrician’s help to develop an asthma management plan.
Some diseases are more likely to affect children, and knowing about these diseases can help parents and caregivers prevent their children from contracting them. Whether it is a simple flu or a complicated disease such as asthma, early treatment and proper care are vital for your child. For comprehensive care and expert advice on managing your child’s health, consult Dr Amitava Pahari, the best paediatrician in Kolkata.