Everyone Is Obsessing Over CBD Gummies, But Do They Actually Work?

It seems like everyone has started obsessing over CBD gummies over the last few years. While it used to be the case that people had never heard of anything remotely related to cannabis, CBD gummies are now being sold everywhere.
But are they actually legit? Do CBD gummies work and have a tangible effect on the body?
What Are CBD Gummies?
To comprehend whether or not CBD gummies work, we first need to understand what CBD gummies are.
Thankfully, we don’t just have to rely on the scant info available on random websites – distributors and retailers provide a lot of detail themselves. Anyone looking at the page for PureKana CBD gummies can learn a great deal of info about the inner working of CBD gummies.
Fundamentally, though, CBD gummies are basically a chewable, edible form of CBD. Instead of needing to smoke CBD-rich hemp or take CBD oils, users can chew them to get their CBD.
Manufacturers make them by first creating regular CBD extract from hemp plants. Although manufacturing methods vary, typically, premium gummy products are crafted using a supercritical carbon dioxide extraction process. This process removes the cannabinoids from the hemp plants. Then, after further filtering and processing, they are left with concentrated hemp extract.
To make CBD gummies, they use this extract as a primary ingredient of a gummy, the rest of which is typically varying concentrations of sugar, gelatin, and flavorings.
Thankfully for those that prefer to practice veganism or vegetarianism, there are often gelatin-free alternatives. Instead of using animal bi-products, these CBD gummies are sometimes made from a thickening agent such as propylene glycol. This is the same substance commonly found in vape e-liquid.
All this explains what the physical properties of CBD gummies are, but what do they actually do? How do they work once they get ingested?
How Do CBD Gummies Work?
To take CBD gummies, users need only to chew and swallow their desired dose of CBD gummies. From there, the gummy is broken down in the stomach, and the CBD begins to assimilate into the body.
Gummies work in the same way that regular CBD oil does – it is broken down in the liver and then begins to interact with the endocannabinoid system across the body. This system contains two primary receptors, CB1 and CB2, which help control several different bodily functions.
According to studies, CBD attaches itself to these receptors, engaging them and encouraging them to trigger various effects that CBD is associated with.
This is generally how all types of CBD products work, and gummies are no different. While they are physically different, and the method of imbibing them is fundamentally different, they are just as valuable as other CBD types.
One thing to consider is what type of hemp extract a particular CBD gummy actually contains. CBD isolate gummies will only contain pure CBD and little else; however, if users buy CBD gummies labeled “full spectrum,” then it is likely that there is a minimal amount of THC, as well as additional cannabinoids like CBN and CBG.
This usually isn’t a problem, but it is definitely worthwhile to thoroughly investigate local laws and regulations regarding the allowed THC concentration.
Final Thoughts On Why Everyone Is Obsessing Over CBD Gummies
Despite the candy-like appearance and fruity taste of gummies, they do work similarly to other products like CBD oil, dabs, and vape pens.
Even better, gummies let users enjoy all of the convenience of taking CBD capsules or other portable supplements, but with the added benefit of a great flavor as well. There are all sorts of different flavor combinations and different CBD concentrations out there for CBD gummies, so potential users have lots of choices.
As long as users pick delicious flavors and make sure of the concentration and CBD type, CBD gummies can be both useful and enjoyable.