Explore the Distinct Categories of Regenerative Therapy and their related Treatment Plan

Advancement in medical science has made it possible for medical practitioners to provide better treatment to their patients. One area in which saw progress is regenerative therapy. These treatments rely upon distinct techniques to help the human body heal at its own pace. The healing uses the natural tissues and cells and focuses on regeneration. Regenerative medicine is new, but medical practitioners think its possibilities are endless. Various categories of regenerative therapy are used to provide maximum benefit to patients. If you suffer from chronic issues like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems, you can rely upon regenerative medicine, which promises effective results.
Stem cell treatment
Stem cell therapy is a regenerative therapy that uses special cells to repair injuries. Stem cell therapy treats pain in the back and regenerates tissues in your spinal cord. Stem cells are a distinct type of cell, which do not come with a specific purpose inside the body but may develop into a particular cell that serves a function. When used in regenerative medicine, remove stem cells from the person’s blood, bone marrow, and fat. They get placed inside machines known as centrifuges so the medical practitioners may separate and identify the cells to discover the best ones to use for the therapy. The cells get injected inside the body in those areas, which require repair. For example, to repair the spinal disc, stem cells will get injected into the damaged disk.
Cartilage regeneration
Another category of regenerative medicine that helps individuals with the musculoskeletal condition is called cartilage regeneration. The therapy aims at healing injured Cartilage. Cartilage takes time to heal; thus, regenerative medicine can speed up recovery. It contains the blood vessel but does not have a constant blood supply. There are various techniques employed for this cartilage regeneration. As per research findings of QC Kinetix (Doral), cartilage regeneration is a viable way to assist individuals in getting back to ordinary life.
PRP or platelet-rich plasma
Platelet-rich plasma treatment is utilized in sports medicine to rectify tendon injuries. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy depends upon the hypothesis that the plasma and platelets found inside the blood may repair and heal wounds. For making platelet-rich plasma, the blood is taken from the patient and processed inside special machines to create a concentrated solution containing more plasma and platelets than regular blood. The centrifuge is apt for making this solution. It gets injected into the person’s bloodstream. In this situation, you do not have to go through surgical processes, which adds comfort.
You can go for degenerative medicine if you want to trigger the healing process and return to your active life. Along with this, you also have prolotherapy, which is a distinct category of regenerative medicine that treats connective tissues and joints. It is for treating arthritis and degenerative disk disorder. Moreover, it treats problems in the knees, hands, hips, shoulders, and neck. Depending on your physical condition, your medical practitioner can recommend you one of these options.