Five Apps You Need to Excel in College Life

Nowadays we are all technology dependent whether it is fun, games, or studying. Luckily not all the apps are designed to waste your precious time apparently – some of them are created to help you. At every stage of life, we tend to have our favourite apps, and thus the best ones for college are those that help us excel in our college life. Some college apps not only simplify our academy hassles like searching for free assignment samples or finding time to write a lengthy essay but also tend to make our tenure more enjoyable. Also, study apps give a whole new meaning to the cell phone that we keep carrying around all the time making it suddenly more significant almost as a guide. Whether you need to get up on time or need to keep track of the notes you took during lectures or the social events you do not want to miss but want someone to remind you about, these apps can do all with accurate precision.
Moreover, these digital helpers are not only mostly free but also occupy little space in your phone, so you can still save tons of your photos and videos. And because of these must-have gadgets your teachers and parents won’t even mind you being engrossed by your phone all the time.
This article will not only mention the must-have apps every college student should download but also help you be more efficient and connected at the time.
Note Taking App
A few years ago, every student experienced rushing to an important class but ended up feeling completely helpless because they forgot their notebook or pen. Then the hassle was replaced by carrying large laptops with charge bank because it may run out of charge any moment making you look stupid. Now, it is impossible to reach class and miss a single note because of Evernote or OneNote. It takes your note-taking skills to the next level making it possible for you to notice every single important thing that is uttered by your mentor, which is otherwise not humanly possible. So you can finally forget about making stationary checklist because you will hardly need any pen or paper.
The note-taking app is number one for college students because it allows so many great things at the same time. You can brainstorm ideas, take photos of whiteboard or pages or sketches, and make a list of things to do. You can also organise all your work in a format to make it look like a proper notebook and share it with a group of fellow students. The best part is that it can find your old handwritten note so you can quickly search and go through something that you wrote long ago.
Moreover, you can download these apps for free and pay a little if you want to update to get extra features and is available on both Android and iOS.
Dictionary app
Studying at college makes you learn how to be mature, and for that, you should sound like an educated, skilled adult. No matter how smart and efficient you are, if you do not sound like that – you may not be able to make a good impression and also it will hurt your assignments and essays. Eloquence is essential to a college education, but no one is especially going to teach you that but does not worry because now you can download WordWeb, Oxford English dictionary, and Dictionary & Thesaurus. So next time when you are searching for free assignment samples you will readily know which one to pick because of the articulate language and lucid flow of ideas.
These dictionary apps not only enhance your vocabulary but also help you understand exactly what your teacher meant during the lecture. You will never go astray with one of these apps in your phone plus you will be able to make quite an impression next time you speak up in class eloquently expressing your ideas. Have at least one-word app so you can quickly search the meaning of a difficult word, choose the one with user-friendly and easy features.
Apps are available for free download with little upgrade fee and run on both Android and iOS.
Exam apps
College is a hard test – the better you perform, the farther you will go. Your entire college period is designed around exams, so why not to keep the preparations handy? Several apps may help you prepare little by little, so you do not have anxiety attacks near your final exam. You can download CliffsNotes Study Guides which allows you to go thorough summaries serving as free assignment samples, different course quizzes, cram plans, and a lot of relevant material that will prove helpful in your tests. However, this app is available for free download for iOS users and upgrades are also very affordable for only $1.99 for each time you are buying in-app feature.
Another tool that helps you prepare for nightmarishly hard tests like GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, and GRE tests in a fun way is BenchPrep, which is built on the same style as that of the social networking site, so you feel not only familiar but can communicate with others who are taking the tests. The app also tracks your learning progress, so you try more quizzes, notes, and revision materials. You can download free on both iOS and Android phones.
TCY Exam Prep which is only available for Android users is also another exam preparation app designed to assist business students in the US and India.
Money saving apps
Most students live hand to mouth during college and barely manage to pay their tuition. Additional expenses like accommodation and commuting make it harder but finding an app like Chegg offers huge relief because you can save a lot by buying your course books for a very little price. App also helps you complete your homework, provides flashcards, book guides, and enables you to attend live tutorials. You can download it for free on both Android and iOS and pay a tiny bit to upgrade.
Bibliography app
Everyone needs help with citations and with apps like EasyBib you do not have to spend hours on researching and formatting your reference section. You can create a bibliography in MLA, APA, and Chicago formats by downloading it free on both Android and iOS.
Use these apps whenever required, and you will have more favourable prospects for success at school.