How to Find Your Own Style and Confidence

One of the most important parts of self-expression, at least for many individuals, is style, fashion, and how they appear overall.
Sure, magazines and television shows will all show whatever happens to be in style at the moment and insist that anyone who’s anyone needs to be wearing this style of dress – but, oftentimes, the most fashionable thing that you can wear is something that’s true to who you are.
This isn’t always the easiest thing in the type of world that we live in, though. Judgements run rampant in this day and age, especially thanks to social media, and it can be intimidating to go outside in something that might not be perceived as inherently “fashionable.”
However, as long as it’s not offensive to anyone or any group and makes you happy, it’s no one’s business what you wear!
The first step toward finding your own style is often to let go of what society perceives as desirable and refocus your attention on what means the most to you.
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Picking a Style
When you think about styles, you can think about them almost like separate genres – different styles tend to have specific themes, goals, and overall “feels” to them, and some may fit you better than others.
Goth fashion, for instance, is radically different from something preppy. The less specific you are, (“vintage,” for instance), the more you might have to work to find inspiration – but, starting with broad ideas is still a great way to narrow down your options to those that truly speak to you.
The most important thing to remember is that you’re not making a binding agreement when you buy clothing.
Even if you don’t like something, don’t throw it out – you can always donate it to someone who could use it, or perhaps even modify or upcycle it into a piece you’ll actually enjoy.
Speaking of thrift shops, they’re also a good place to try out new styles if you’re not sure you want to commit to something. There’s nothing wrong with buying one or two things from a thrift shop because it just means there won’t be more clothing going to waste or getting thrown out.
Not only are thrift shops a one stop shop for any kind of style, they’re also usually cheap and sustainable to buy from, making most purchases guilt-free if you end up not loving it.
Choosing the Right Accessories
Although usually not the focal point of an outfit, accessories can really make an outfit stand out from others similar to it, and they can also change the mood of a look entirely.
If you’re not loving a certain style, try accessorizing the style that you liked most and tailoring it to your liking. The most notable accessory is jewelry, but accessories don’t have to fall into this category.
They can just as easily be a nice hat, your coat, gloves, belts, scarves, and more; even your shoes or socks could be considered accessories, depending on what your definition is!
Shaking up the new with the old can make for a fun mixture of styles. Accessories are an easy and low-risk way to implement other styles or colors into your looks.
Takeaway: Create Your Own Style!
The most amazing thing about fashion is that it’s a form of art, which means it’s totally customizable!
Fusion (combining multiple styles or elements of style) is on the rise in the fashion industry, which means it’s easier than ever to really experiment with your own likes and dislikes.
Being true to yourself is the most important thing, and the first rule of art is everything is subjective. If you think you look great, then that’s the only thing that matters – so own it!