How to Keep Your House Free From Fleas in Summers

n summers, millions of fleas set to your house, increase and it becomes terribly difficult to free your house from this little crawlies. While living in Washington State I to have to deal with spider, beetles and especially ticks in the summer as the climate is relatively hot and humid. I am not worried about contact with insects but fleas and ticks (bloodsucking) insects are a totally different story.
Fleas and ticks are bloodsucking tiny little crawlies that infests easily in warmer areas and can hatch in 7-14 days. Having flea infestation at home is not only distressing but also harmful to human health. Flea prevention is much easier than to get rid of. Especially if it is summer and infestation is serious a visit to a store for anti-itch cream and a flea bomb will not be enough. However, following are few easy tips to avoid and eliminate flea infestation this summer.
Eliminate Flea and ticks From Garden:
If you have ever tried getting rid of fleas you must know that how important is to not letting them set up a camp at first place. Therefore, start taking action from the root, if you live in a house with a garden there is probably a greater chance of getting fleas and ticks. To avoid the risk of this crawlies keep the shrubs trimmed and grass mowed because untrimmed grass appeals fleas and give them chance to increase. In addition to this, try pyrethrin dust. Pyrethrin dust is made from pyrethrum flower it acts as a natural insecticide. Disperse it on flea porn area to get rid of existing fleas and it will repel fleas from entering into your garden in near future. You can also plant fleas rappelling herbs such as neem, thyme, rosemary or Chamomile etc.
Remove all the extra clutter that can attract rodents and other wildlife to your yard. Remove bird feeder and uneaten food. If you keep your trash can in your yard make sure it has locking lids.
Pet and Flea Problem:
Many of you have experienced while watching television and scratching behind the ear of your pet you suddenly saw a tiny spec landing on your hand and by closer inspection, you get to know that it is something that you feared. Your Furball has fleas under his fur coat. Fleas and ticks do not only affect human health but they are also a risk for your pet’s health because tick bites cause intense itching, rashes, and even hair fall to your pet. They may also cause anemia and lime disease. If you find your Fido infested with flea or ticks, immediately groom your pet by giving him a shower with flea shampoo that will not harm your dog’s fur and will help you to get rid of these tiny insects and keep checking them on a regular basis by using a flea comb. In addition to this, wash the bedding and furniture that your pet uses on a regular basis because flea may bury into it.
Few More Tips for Flea prevention:
1. If you have Carpeted floor, a lot of rugs or old furniture, there is a chance of them of becoming a new home for fleas. Therefore, thoroughly vacuum your carpet and furniture on a regular basis and wash rugs regularly, so that even the pupa of the fleas will be removed on an immediate basis.
2. You can also buy food grade diatomaceous earth from a hardware shop that is a talc-like powder which is a dried form of ancient marine planktons. Disperse it on flea affected area and it will dry out fleas at any stage.
3. You can also prepare a flea and tick repelling spray at your home by mixing 2 oz. apple cider vinegar, 20-40 drops geranium bourbon essential oil¼ teaspoon castile soap to help distribute the oil and 2 oz. water
Author Bio:
Wendy is a self-employed beauty therapist, mother of two; life-long pet parent and lover of dogs who somehow manages to squeeze in the time to satisfy another of her loves – writing. Wendy is the founder, main contributor to and editor of