Impressing the Admissions Committee: 5 Techniques That Work Best

If you want to impress the admission committee, you need to know how they perceive applications. The task is not that trivial – you need to think like a member of the committee and evaluate yourself from their perspective. What do they want to see when looking through numerous essays and letters? They are looking for students that can bring unique value to the class. Presenting yourself as a person who can add some fresh air to the class is the key. However, it is not that easy to accomplish.
Your application consists of several components, and each of them is important. A letter is the most crucial part of it since it reveals your personality that stands behind your achievements and marks. Let’s talk about some writing techniques to help you compose a winning piece.
Tip #1: Storytelling
Everyone likes stories. The admission committee members are interested in them as well! Write a compelling and engaging story that reveals your personality, reasons why you want to enter this particular institution, what you hope to get out of it, and how do you plan to contribute to it.
Instead of being emotional about your narration, demonstrate your thoughts, and critical evaluation. Show that you can articulate and explain your choices and decisions. Also, do some research to demonstrate that you are aware of all program aspects. Explain how you fit in the class and show that you are striving to become a part of their community.
Tip #2: Keep basic questions in mind
Some colleges offer a list of questions or prompt for applicants. Some of them don’t, which means that you have to invent them yourself. There is a fundamental set you need to keep in mind when writing your application essay. Here it is:
- What are your main spheres of interest? Do you have any intellectual, personal, or extracurricular ones?
- Are you open to new ideas and knowledge?
- What do you do to improve your knowledge? What are the practices you usually stick to?
- How did you prepare yourself for college life?
The committee will read your application carefully to find answers to these questions. In case they don’t see them in your paper, you will have to answer them during an interview, so think about the answers beforehand. Students that have a lack of ideas, usually visit research paper writing service (Australia) to receive advice, support, consultation, and samples for inspiration. In most cases, reading the samples of other authors is inspiring and useful – they can show you a direction to follow. So don’t neglect such an opportunity.
Tip #3: Talk about the specifics of your previous education
Specific projects that are related to your future education at college are essential. The admission committee wants to know more about your degree-related interests, so reveal them. For instance, if you are applying for a medical college and have volunteering experience in a hospital, write about that. Business schools will be interested if you have any experience in this sphere as well. Talk about relevant experience in your letter to prove that you are a promising learner.
- Describe the projects you were related to
- Tell them which traits of your character and personality helped you to succeed in these projects and programs
- What do you do to solve problems that appear when you participate in projects and programs?
- Were there any extraordinary discoveries you have made during any project or program?
- What authors and well-known figures of your field do you admire?
Show your determination and desire to become a professional in your chosen sphere. The committee members will surely appreciate this.
Tip #4: Imagine that you carry on a dialogue
Be polite and always mind your audience. Stay formal, but allow yourself to talk conversationally and friendly. To make the best impression, make sure to:
- Use the calm tone
- Focus on the aspects interesting for your audience
- Be open and honest
- Don’t exaggerate your achievements
- Don’t underestimate your results as well
Demonstrate your openness and critical attitude to yourself. This will make you sound mature and self-confident.
Tip #5: End the paper on a positive note
In general, your letter should sound official but friendly. So don’t forget to thank the committee and end your paper on a positive note. Show that you are looking forward to continuing this conversation and convince them that you are ready for a live interview.
When you have to write about yourself, you might find it challenging. That’s quite natural. Talking about your achievements and the positive traits of your character might be a bit embarrassing. However, there is nothing to be ashamed of in case you describe your real-life experience! Present your thoughts, ideas, principles, and values to show what kind of person you are. The admission committee will learn a lot about your marks from other documents, but your application letter is the place where you reveal your unique and bright personality. Show yourself in the best light and get ready to pack your stuff! Good luck with your enrolment!