Tips To Increase Your Organic Search Engine Optimization Rankings

The expectation of any business regardless of size or industry is ultimately to take advantage of the opportunities present and use them to their advantage in order to increase turnover and by extension profits. That without a doubt is the raison d’etre for business and any legal, sanctioned way of going about this process is always welcome for any business.
Enter the internet, the World Wide Web, WWW, which is the set of connected computers throughout the whole world and which are able to communicate seamlessly throughout the globe and things become a bit complex. The complex nature of the internet poses numerous challenges to the marketing team of your firm, due to the fact that you now begin to compete not on a local scale but also on a global (universal) scale.
Scale Globally With Good SEO
Your shop is located online and so for you to be able to convert (make the client perform the desired action, e.g. sign up for your service, buy your goods or services), you must have an SEO strategy that will direct all the traffic for people who key in the words, website hosting on the search bar of their preferred search engines. Ideally, your website should appear at the top (number) of the Search Engine Results Pages, SERPs for you to make more conversions and thus more profit.
This is where you must employ winning organic SEO strategies to make sure that you stay up there in the rankings. You must work hard to make sure that you are ranking way up there in the rankings and believe it or not, this is very achievable and it is not rocket science. There is a method to the madness and the best way to go about this is to use the services of OC SEO. The following list explores viable methods, which you must employ if you want to increase your overall SEO score.
Top The SERPs
Your shop is located online and so for you to be able to convert (make the client perform the desired action, e.g. sign up for your service, buy your goods or services), you must have an SEO strategy that will direct all the traffic for people who key in the words, website hosting on the search bar of their preferred search engines. Ideally, your website should appear at the top (number) of the Search Engine Results Pages, SERPs for you to make more conversions and thus more profit.
This is where you must employ winning organic SEO strategies to make sure that you stay up there in the rankings. You must work hard to make sure that you are ranking way up there in the rankings and believe it or not, this is very achievable and it is not rocket science. There is a method to the madness and the best way to go about this is to use the services of OC SEO. The following list explores viable methods, which you must employ if you want to increase your overall SEO score.
3 Pronged Strategy
Website UI and UX –
This is ground zero of all your SEO efforts and for good reason. The way your website looks and functions will determine whether your visitors will stay on and more importantly, whether they will go ahead and convert i.e. buy your products. The sad statistics is that 70% of your website visitors will never come back to your website, ever again, unless they have compelling reasons to do so.
Luckily, this is the one aspect that is entirely and wholly in your hands as a website owner and you can influence the process in powerful ways right from the moment the experts begin working on your website. UI, simply means User Interface and this refers to the layout of your website’s pages, ask yourself the following questions? Is the font easy on the eye, are the pages free from clutter, and are the images meaningful, would I feel good as a website visitor visiting this website for the first time?
UX, refers to Usability, the questions are; will the visitor complete the purchase using a few steps as possible, how quickly can the visitor navigate through the site? What is their overall satisfaction index? Ultimately, for both UI and UX make a point of ensuring that the website is appealing and fully functional to achieve its stated purpose of making sales.
Content –
Content is king and that is all there is to it really. Search Engine robots are designed to scour the net and index content after indexing the content, they use proprietary statistical algorithms to rank the importance of the website and its web pages according to some (secret) carefully set criteria. It is this criterion, which determines how you rank up there in the SERPs.
The number one criteria that all search bots use is to ascertain the originality of the content, they love fresh stuff, content that has never been published anywhere else on the internet. This content will be prominently displayed on the SERPs, likewise the layout of your content and length play a critical role. The key take away from this is to make sure that you are regularly posting fresh, original, engaging content on your website, as it will have positive impact both with your human and robot readers.
Links –
The links are the heart of the internet, in a nutshell the WWW is dependent on hypertext and this is what distinguishes the whole experience of using the internet when compared to reading a printed book. The basis of hypertext is hyperlinks, which is just a fancy word for the links within your content that point to either internal or external links.
Talking about link types is beyond the scope of this article, but to put it succinctly, it is theorized that you should be able to visit all websites on the World Wide Web (internet) if you start off with one link going outwards. That said, it is these links that make up the internet as it exists now and it is the very same method that Search robots use to get to and index your website’s pages.
Therefore, you must make sure that you use links and engage in link building in the manner recommended by search engine providers (white hat SEO).Link to a few authoritative websites that have a higher PageRank, as this will have the pleasant effect of increasing your website’s PageRank, which is a key SEO metric.
Author Bio :
Derek Iwasiuk, an SEO Guru who has consulted widely for corporations, from small startups to large Fortune 500 corporations. He sits on the board of OC SEO and is active in the SEO space blogging, conducting webinars and speaking about the subject at any opportunity. You can also follow him on twitter @Diwasiuk