Is it tough to Pass the PMP Certification exam?

If you are a project manager aspiring to rise in position or switching to a better job opportunity, you must have given a thought to clear the PMP certification examination. Along with this, one more thought must have come in your mind as to whether it is tough to pass the PMP certification exam. In a single word, the answer to this question is a ‘Yes.’ It is, indeed, difficult to pass the PMP certification exam. Going by the statistics, 2 out of 5 PMP aspirants fail in their first attempt. However, if you follow a strategic approach and stick to a proper roadmap, you, certainly, can clear the PMP examination in your first try. In this post, we are going to tell you as to why the PMP Certification Atlanta exam is difficult. Moreover, we are also going to share with you the study strategies that you can employ to make the tough PMP exam easy.
Why is the PMP Examination Arduous and Tough?
Preparing for the PMP Examination
Before you can take on the PMP certification examination, you require passing an official recognized 35-hour course that prepares you for the main examination with PMBOK as the primary reference. The PMBOK is vital for clearing the PMP examination as the very foundation of your preparation for the exam comes from the PMBOK.
However, you must not rely completely on these 35 hours. You require giving additional hours for the preparation of the certification exam. Moreover, practice questions and mock examinations are must to build your confidence. Following is the outline of the PMP exam.
- 13% of the questions will focus on the domain – Initiating.
- 24% of the questions will focus on the domain – Planning.
- 31% of the questions will focus on the domain – Executing.
- 25% of the questions will focus on the domain – Monitoring and Controlling.
- 7% of the questions will focus on the domain – Closing.
- The total Number of questions is 200, out of which, 25 questions do not add up to the final score. Please note that these 25 questions are not explicitly marked in the paper. They can occur randomly. These 25 questions are present to increase the standard of the PMP examination.
Please note that merely reading PMBOK is not enough. While it is necessary to study PMBOK to impart a foundation for your preparation, it is simply not enough. This is because the PMP exam consists of primarily scenario-based questions and PMBOK explains the concepts in a theoretical manner. Therefore, you must refer to other study guides, solve a lot of practice questions, and give mock PMP examinations to get the idea of the main examination.
From the above, you can, certainly, understand that it is very demanding to prepare for the PMP certification examination and studying for the same along with maintaining your personal and professional life increases the toughness to unimaginable heights.
Answering the questions according to PMI’s standard
Howsoever experienced you might be as a project manager when answering the questions present in the PMP examination you simply cannot utilize your experience. You have to refer to PMI’s standards for answering the questions. You cannot answer questions based on your personal logic or experience. That’s why it is pretty essential to completely understand the concepts detailed in the PMBOK because, as mentioned above, it will prepare your foundation for the PMP examination.
Length of study materials
It is a plenitude of information that you have to study while preparing for the PMP certification examination. While the exam might not cover all the information, you simply cannot afford to skip any piece of information related to the PMP certification examination. This, certainly, takes a lot of time. Moreover, since you are in the professional phase of your life and have to take care of your personal life as well, it adds to the difficulty levels of the PMP certification examination.
The stress while giving the PMP exam always exists. Though you can ease down your stress by practicing a lot of practice questions and giving plenty of mock examinations, this adds to the already stressful preparation regime of the PMP certification examination.
Is it possible to pass the PMP certification exam in the first attempt?
Yes! If you have your mind on it and put in dedicated and committed efforts towards the preparation of the PMP examination, you, certainly, can clear it in the first attempt. Moreover, it is exceedingly ideal that you give your best in your first attempt itself and clear the examination. This is because the cost of registering for the PMP certification exam is higher than other relative certifications. Along with the cost of registering for the PMP certification exam, you have to shell out a considerable amount on acquiring the study material and giving mock examinations. Hence, it is best to be loyal, allegiant, and committed towards your preparation for the PMP certification exam and clear the same on the first attempt itself.
What should be your study strategy for the PMP certification examination?
Do become a PMI member
All PMP-certified professionals who cleared the exam in their first attempt recommend becoming a PMI member before sitting for the examination. Two reasons are there behind this approach. First of all, as a PMI member, you have to pay less to register for the PMP certification examination. Secondly, as a PMI member, you get access to a vast network of PMP-certified professionals. Hence, whenever you face any kind of difficulty in understanding a concept related to the PMP exam, you can get help from the professionals. Also, please note that the PMP exam is a dynamic one. Therefore, you must have knowledge of the current industry trends. This knowledge you can easily acquire if you are a PMI member. Overall, becoming a PMI member is a must, if you really wish to clear the PMP examination in your first attempt.
Refer eLearning Videos and use Flash Cards
It is a fact that learning from visuals is easier than learning from text-based material. Hence, do include a lot of eLearning videos in your preparation for the PMP examination. Along with eLearning videos you can use Flash Cards to reinforce the concepts. This way you will make sure that you don’t forget anything under the stress of the main examination.
Follow a proper schedule
Make sure you have a proper schedule allotted to PMP preparation and stick to it. Studying for fixed hours at a fixed time in a day is always better than studying haphazardly. This is because you are a working professional and along with your professional life, you require managing your personal life as well. If you don’t have a proper schedule and roadmap, you might not be able to prepare for the PMP certification exam at all.
Final Words
It is understandable that PMP examination is a tough nut to crack especially in the first attempt. However, you, certainly, can bring down the difficulty level of the examination by putting in consistent and dedicated efforts towards your preparation. All the best!