Navigating the New Normal: Raise the Bar with Your Online Classes

Online courses have emerged as an excellent alternative to traditional classroom education. They cater to the needs of students at every stage of education, from school to university, without having to worry about geographic boundaries. Owing to this, online courses have witnessed an increased demand among students.
In response to significant demand for online education, schools and institutions have spruced up their digital platforms and communication means which have proven to be quite beneficial, especially as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has disrupted the normal life cycle for over 300 million students across the globe. However, to counter that, educational institutions have now shifted their base to online classes, aiming to provide quality education to students in the safety and comfort of their homes.
On a holistic level, this phase has helped underline the efficacy of online education, dispelled many notions associated with it, and emphasized how it has a crucial role in the future of education.
Now, while leveraging technology to educate is a progressive step forward, for it to work in the long term, certain standards must be adopted and maintained so that online education effectively meets future needs.
Ways to Enhance the Learning Process in Online Classes
As online education has become an irreplaceable part of the ‘new normal’, the onus is on educators and institutions to utilise the resources available and deliver innovative and interactive online classes. This is also in line with new-age initiatives where educators strive to bring world-class innovations to the system of education. Here’s more on how educators can work on enhancing their online classes.
#1. Planning an Effective Approach to Lectures
When shifting base to online classes, it is important to understand the key elements involved which help in keeping an effective approach while delivering lectures. Some of these elements include:
- Understand the technology being used
- Predict the challenges that you may face and remain flexible in your approach to them
- Set clear expectations of students for the course
- Regularly check content resources and applications to stay abreast with the latest developments
- Provide learning resources that leverage the strength of digital platforms
- Align instructional methods with the learning objectives of the course
#2. Flexible Course Design
Always consider a student’s point of view while conducting online classes. There is a distinct possibility that online education may be new for some students. So, you need to design your course structure in a manner that caters to the needs of every student.
Since students are looking at you for setting the tone of the lecture, you should demonstrate enthusiasm and excitement, and be prepared to help students in alleviating their doubts, fears, and hesitation.
Here are some noteworthy pointers for making your online classes as effective as possible:
- Follow a consistent course structure
- Acclimatise students and help establish a comfortable environment
- Make the course material easily available to students
- Promote an avenue to have discussions with students individually and among themselves
- Use videos streamed live as well as recordings that can be watched at the convenience of the students
- Ask questions and make sure the students take an active interest in the class
#3. The Delivery of the Content
Whether it is a traditional or an online class, communication is the key. ‘Communication’ here doesn’t just imply the educator delivering the classes in a way that is thorough and easy to understand. Proper communication goes both ways. It is up to you to foster an environment that allows the students to feel comfortable to share their doubts and thoughts. Keep the sessions interactive and ensure that you create a safe space for students to collaborate.
- Interact with students through emails and messages
- Make use of informal communication techniques as and when necessary
- Humanise yourself by sharing a welcome video message
- Give constructive feedback to students
#4. Monitor the Progress
It is imperative for faculty to evaluate the progress of their online classes and understand how they and their students are contributing to it. While the students can request regular feedback, faculty can utilize pre-integrated metrics within the platform to monitor the quality of participation from the students’ end to evaluate progress.
Several tools are available for faculty to monitor not only the progress of online classes but inspire learning opportunities that also streamline administrative tasks. Such tools help keep the students engaged while facilitating faculty efficiency. Here are some features of these tools that make a difference:
- A Mobile-friendly interface that can be accessed through any smart device
- Provides a window for students and parents
- Easily access course content
- Create shareable content
- Interact with teachers
- Motivate students to showcase learning experiences
- Emphasise on time devoted to each task
- Keeps track of students with built-in analytics
- Find and prioritise assessment tasks
- Get meaningful feedback
It is evident that online classes have numerous advantages to offer, and with a little work at your end, you’ll be able to harness its benefits in the best possible way.