Here are Three Alternatives to Smoking to Help you Quit
Giving up smoking is no easy feat, but it’s definitely beneficial to your health. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness, and every year, hundreds of people die from smoking-related diseases. The lucky ones who survive…
7 Health Hazards from Smoking You Never Knew About (Cancer is Only One of Them)
It's not like nicotine addicts are not aware of the health hazards from smoking. Each time, you light up, the thought does cross your mind that the habit could be killing you. But the fact also remains that nicotine addiction…
Quitting Smoking Transforms Your Mindset: A Mental Side of the Issue
Smoking is more than a habit for most people, even though some of them don’t even see it on their own. Smoking is a lifestyle, with everything that goes with it when you travel, buy a car, or even book…