Hot Glue Gun

If you know how to use a hot melt glue gun, then you will be able to make many things. For a number of artists, the glue gun plays an essential role in their daily lives. A timeless tool that hasn’t changes much in design, you could perhaps consider it to be one of the best crafting tools ever made. There have been many brilliant uses for a hot glue gun shared on the internet that have allowed people – not just artists – to create incredible things.

To get the most out of your crafting experience, you should know more about the best uses of a hot glue gun. But first, you must understand what glue guns are.


You’ve likely come across several varieties of glue; however, hot glue is something different from the others. The gun utilizes heat for melting the glue sticks that are made from thermoplastic. The hot melted glue is then squeezed through the gun onto whatever you have it pointed toward. The glue often dries quickly allowing you enough time to take advantage of the adhesive, without it taking forever to dry.

The glue is quite strong when it comes to holding small craftworks. The nature of the glue is moldable, so due to this quality it is considered to be one of the best glues to fix things temporarily.

Here are the best uses for a hot glue gun:

  • Making magic wands

Wands make the perfect choice for a young witch or wizard. This is a project that you can do at home using hot glue and other crafting items. To make a magic wand, you will require the following things:

  • Wooden Sticks (chopsticks work well for this)
  • Beads
  • Acrylic Paint

You can make a wand by using the glue gun to add texture to the wooden sticks, this could be a fun swirling texture or perhaps something more realistic like wood. You will also have to add a handle to hold the wand firmly. Finally you can decorate the wand however you like, by attaching beads into the wood texture or painting the entire thing with your favorite colors. Nobody can tell you magic doesn’t exist when you have a fantastic wand to prove them wrong.

  • Resizing rings

It’s quite expensive to resize rings. Hot glue can be used to fix or resize rings temporarily. To do this, simply make a small puddle of hot glue on a sheet of parchment baking paper and then dip the ring into the hot glue carefully. As the ring dries, you can shape it as you wish creating the perfect size ring for your fingers.

  • Non-slip hangers

Have you ever been looking through your closet for something to wear, and then your dress or jacket slips right off the hanger onto the floor? It can become quite an irritating issue to deal with. Hot glue can help you repair and upgrade the look of the hangers in your wardrobe.

You can use a hot glue gun to repair broken hangers or add texture to the top of the hanger to help clothes grip on so that they don’t fall off. Adding colors or identifiers to your hangers with hot glue is also another idea to help you enhance the organization of your closet.

  • Packaging

With the world depending on e-commerce platforms to shop, it has now become essential for industries to focus on neatly and efficiently packaging items. Why not improve your packaging process with hot glue? Hot glue offers the a great quality seal, making it easier for businesses to seal boxes firmly.

  • Decorating vases

Coming back to crafts – You can use hot glue guns to decorate your home décor, such as vases or jars. You can use your glorious creative freedom to customize and decorate vases and jars by forming three-dimensional patterns or writing. Painting over your three-dimensional design will give it a finished look, ensure you pick a paint color that matches your existing home decor.

A hot glue gun can be used for an endless amount of tasks and crafts, these are just some ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Do you know what your next hot glue project will be?