Why the App Store Says No

Are you curious why the app store doesn’t accept mobile apps? Apple’s app store has the most stringent rules for approving apps compared to Google Play. It’s true that in 2020, they refused around a million applications submitted.

Many developers frequently grumble about the company’s closed ecosystem. Especially when it comes to Apple. Nonetheless, tight management across all areas is essential for ensuring a Mobile App Development successful ecosystem. The company must pay extra attention to third-party app developers.

The process of getting your app approved on the App Store might seem complex, but it’s not an impossible task. It is best to understand all the various elements that could result in rejection. So, here are some of the main reasons why mobile apps get rejected from the app store and what you could do to avoid them.

Permission Requests and Accessing User Data

A reason for rejection could be asking for permissions in an app that you do not use. Occasionally, it is not well explained why the app requires access to its location. This can be a valid reason for refusing the app since it may pose a likely security risk.

Apps should comply with Apple’s privacy guidelines. This includes data storage, tracking, and sharing with third parties. If your permission to use the app reveals any violation of these rules, it will be removed from the store. In addition, as per Apple policies, you need to give complete control of data to their users. You should allow access to delete every piece of personal information retrieved from Apple.

If you are getting a message about rejection, it can be easily fixed as a mild violation. But sometimes the problem is not clear at first glance. For example, the app was not accepted because we were using a service from another party. When we resolved the issue, the app store approved that app.

App crashes and significant bugs

If your app crashes while being reviewed, it is most likely to result in the simplest form of rejection. How does it occur? It is a pleasant indication of how deeply the App Store team examines your app. Your application encounters various stress tests. These are Apple’s initial requirements for high quality and excellent performance.

How do you prevent this kind of rejection? You might have to give 100% effort during performance testing before sending it in. If you wish to hire a mobile app development team, check if they have quality assurance engineers. It is crucial for testing and exposing all the minor features in different scenarios. 

Moreover, it’s very important to test-run your real devices so you can catch any glitches in the layout. You may apply Apple’s TestFlight environment for beta user testing before the launch.

When you combine manual tests and testing tools, it means that experts have checked your app. Ultimately, your chances of getting approval from the app store increase.

In the end, fixing all the bugs is extremely hard. But a team with extensive experience can find every major and important bug.

Improper App Content:

The App Store has a system that automatically declines apps with offensive content. This may include obscenity or gambling. Apps that promote harmful actions such as racism, violence, or substance abuse also get rejected.

But if you think your app can easily offend people or incite them to commit illegal acts, it will not be accepted.

Rip-off of another app:

Apps that are too similar to an app that already exists in the App Store will also be rejected. These copycats just take the most popular app on the App Store and change it a little bit. After that, they present their own app as if it were a totally new idea.

The solution is simple—you should develop a unique app concept. Check the current apps available in the App Store to understand how full your app category already is. Your next move should be to focus on building and providing a seamless experience.

Use creative icon designs: 

Even if your app idea is unique, it may struggle to stand out. And the major reason has been using common icon designs. Spamming is another concern. In this case, a developer submits variations of the same app that are noticeable.

A developer can create map apps for different towns or nations with identical functionality and UI. However, keep in mind that Apple views spamming as a grave violation. It might end your developer account.

It is inevitable that all app variants will be combined into one container app, which is the best solution.

Wrapping Up

There could be various reasons why your app might get rejected by the iOS or Android stores. However, some we did not discuss here (but they are less frequent). But do not be afraid of this.

In reality, you should think of this as an opportunity to test your app against the strictest standards. That’s how you can launch a groundbreaking app for the market. Think about beating your competition! The best suggestion we can offer is to read the guidelines of your selected store carefully before submitting your app for review.